
by Ricardo Ahumada



Welcome to MiSoroban, the app that offers an effective method to learn another way of working with numbers (manipulating and visualizing them), have fun with mathematics, learn to concentrate, pay more attention, and reason.With MiSoroban, you will achieve:* Learn quickly and effectively - With a method tailored to your age - With clear milestones that guide you along the way - With videos, examples, exercises, and games* Improve concentration and attention - With activities designed to activate your mind - With dynamics that promote full attention - Without ads or distractions* Stimulate both hemispheres of your brain - Use your reasoning to overcome challenges - Touch and feel the numbers - Visualize the abacus and operations in your mindThe app contains:* Complete course to learn to add, subtract, multiply, and divide: - Divided into levels - Adjustable by age range - Video tutorials - Exercises to use the abacus - Exercises to visualize the abacus - Calculation challenges - Level tests* Section to practice what youve learned: - Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division - 3 levels* Challenge section: - Various challenges to test your mental agility and concentration - Earn points for each challenge